What Is An Evolutionary Algorithm
- The idea behind all EA are -
- Given a population of individuals within some environment that has limited resources, competition for those resources causes natural selection (survival of the fittest).
- This in turn causes a rise in the fitness of the population. Given a quality function to be maximized, we can randomly create a set of candidate solutions, i.e., elements of the function’s domain.
- We then apply the quality function to these as an abstract fitness measure – the higher the better.
- On the basis of these fitness values some of the better candidates are chosen to seed the next generation.
- This is done by applying recombination and/or mutation to them.
- Recombination involves 2 parents producing one candidate
- Mutation involves only 1 parent
- This is iterated until a limit is reached or a candidate of sufficient quality is found
- There are two main forces that form the basis of evolutionary systems:
- Variation operators (recombination and mutation) create the necessary diversity within the population, and thereby facilitate novelty.
- Selection acts as a force increasing the mean quality of solutions in the population.
- We view this process as - evolution is optimising the fitness function
- The general scheme of an EA ![[Pasted image 20240311205029.png]] ![[Pasted image 20240311205237.png]]
- EA's are
- Population based - process a bunch of solutions simultaneously
- Stochastic
- Involve recombination
- Various dialects of EA follow the same but have some differences, mainly in the data structure used
- Genetic algorithms - finite alphabet strings
- Evol strategies - real valued vectors
- Classic Evol programming - finite state machines
- Genetic programming - trees
Components of a EA
- Representation (Definition of individuals)
- We try to simplify/abstract away some aspects of real world to create a well defined problem context within which possible solutions exist and can be easily evaluated
- Objects forming possible solutions within the original problem context are referred to as phenotypes, while their encoding, that is, the individuals within the EA, are called genotypes.
- The space of all possible candidate solutions is commonly called the phenotype space and the space where evol search takes place is the genotype space
- Evaluation function (fitness function)
- Represents requirements that the population should adapt to meet and forms the basis for selection
- We try to maximise this
- Population
- Holds possible candidate solutions - a multiset of genotypes.
- Defining a population is as simple as defining its size which is constant usually
- The diversity of a population is a measure of the number of different solutions present.
- If only one genotype is present then this implies only one phenotype and fitness value are present but not the other way round.
- Parent Selection Mechanism
- An individual is a parent if it has been selected to undergo variation in order to create offspring.
- It is stochastic wherein high quality has a better chance
- Nevertheless, low-quality individuals are often given a small, but positive chance to prevent overly greedy search.
- Variation operators
- The role of variation operators is to create new individuals from old ones.
- Mutation
- Applied to one genotype and delivers a (slightly) modified mutant, the child or offspring.
- It is stochastic and unbiased
- Recombination
- Merges information from two parent genotypes into one or two offspring genotypes and this is called recombination or crossover
- It is stochastic and unbiased
- More than 2 parents is possible but no biological equivalent exists
- Survivor Selection Mechanism (Replacement)
- Survivor selection or environmental selection is to distinguish among individuals based on their quality.
- Called after creation of offspring and the decision of which individuals are selected is made from the fitness (sometimes the age is also used)
- Deterministic compared to parent selection
- Also called replacement strategy (usually used only if the number of children is very small compared to population)
- Initialisation
- First population is seeded by randomly generated individuals
- Termination condition
- If problem has known optimal fitness level, then a solution with this fitness is the terminating condition (might never be satisfied)
- Other options include
- CPU time
- Total number of fitness evaluations
- Fitness improvement remains under a threshold
- Population diversity drops under a threshold
An example
- We look at Goldberg's problem
- Population = integers from 0 to 31
- Fitness function = f(x) = x^2
- Representation = 5 bit binary string of number
- Parent selection = some probability p_i = \frac {f(i)}{\sum_{j \in P}f(j)}
- Survivor selection = replace all parent with new popl
- Mutation = with some mutation rate (per bit position threshold), execute a bit flip randomly
- Recombination = one point crossover
- ![[Pasted image 20240407192629.png]]
- ![[Pasted image 20240407192723.png]]
- ![[Pasted image 20240407192732.png]]
- 8 Queens problem